Wednesday, November 3, 2010

MeNsTrUaL CrAmPs

Salam My Blog....
Lama I tak update U kan. Arini I nk post sumting yg knowledgeable iaitu info pasal Menstrual cramp atau period pain di kalangan orang2 perempuan.
Here it is.....

Menstrual periods can be light and easy for some teens and young women, but for others, they can be heavy and/or accompanied by painful cramps. Cramps can be a big reason why girls are absent from school, why they miss sport practices, and why they may avoid social events with their friends. How do you know if you should be concerned? Read on to learn more about painful periods and what you should do if you have them.

What is Dysmenorrhea?

Dysmenorrhea (pronounced: dis-men-o-ree-a) is a medical term that means “difficult or painful periods.” There are two types of dysmenorrhea, primary and secondary.

Primary dysmenorrhea is the most common kind of dysmenorrhea. Cramps (pain in the lower belly area and/or lower back) can start 1-2 days before your period comes and can last 2-4 days.

Secondary dysmenorrhea is when cramps and, for some, lower back pain are a result of a medical problem such as endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease.

What causes menstrual cramps?

Menstrual cramps are caused by uterine contractions (when your uterus tightens and relaxes allowing blood to leave your uterus). The lining of your uterus releases special chemicals called "prostaglandins." These substances can increase the intensity of the contractions, especially if the levels rise. High levels of prostaglandins may also cause nausea and lightheadedness.

*Some or all of these problems may start a day or two before your period and can last for part or all of your period. These signs could be caused by other medical conditions and therefore it is important to discuss your symptoms to your healthcare provider.

Is it normal to have some mild cramps during your period?

Yes, it is normal to have mild cramps during your period because of uterine contractions. The uterus is a muscle that tightens and relaxes which can cause jabbing or cramp-like pain. However, if the discomfort is not relieved with over-the-counter medications and causes you to miss school or other daily activities, it could mean that there is another reason for your symptoms.

When you first get your period, it is common for you to be irregular, and you may not ovulate for a few months, or even for a few years. So you may not have menstrual cramps when you first begin your period. After one, two, or three years, when your hormonal system is more mature, you might have more severe menstrual cramps.

If your cramps are severe and interfere with your daily activities, don’t ignore what your body is telling you. Make an appointment with your healthcare provider, because there may be other reasons for your pain.

What other symptoms do girls have during their periods?

In addition to cramping during their periods, some girls may have other symptoms.

Symptoms may be mild to moderate and can include:

  • Nausea (feeling like you want to throw up)
  • Vomiting (throwing up)
  • Loose bowel movements/diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Bloating in your belly area
  • Headaches
  • Lightheadedness (feeling faint)

Are menstrual cramps the same as PMS (Pre-Menstrual Syndrome)?

Menstrual cramps are not the same as PMS. Symptoms of PMS such as bloating, weight gain, and moodiness happen before a woman's period begins, and get a lot better when her period starts. On the other hand, with dysmenorrhea, cramps usually get worse the first day or two of a woman’s period and have a different cause and treatment.

What medications can I take for my menstrual cramps?

If you are having menstrual cramps, talk with your parents or healthcare provider about your options. If your menstrual cramps are painful, you may think about taking some type of the over-the-counter medication for one to two days. These medications are "anti-prostaglandins." They help relieve the discomfort, make your flow lighter, and cause your uterus to cramp less. Look for over-the-counter medications that contain ibuprofen or naproxen sodium. Take this medicine when you first start to feel uncomfortable, and continue taking it every 4-6 hours or as recommended by your healthcare provider. Since this kind of medicine can upset your stomach, you should take it with food. Make sure you read the label to see how much and how often you should take the medication. You should not take these products if you are allergic to aspirin-like medicine or have stomach problems. It is important not to take more medicine than is recommended or prescribed.

Is there anything else I can do to help my menstrual cramps?

Natural remedies such as a microwavable warm pack or a heating pad placed on your abdomen (lower belly) may help. Soaking in a warm bath may also relieve uncomfortable cramps. Some teens find that increasing their physical activity helps; others find that resting quietly for short periods of time helps.

Acupuncture is an alternative treatment that is sometimes recommended to treat dysmenorrhea. You should also eat healthy foods, drink lots of fluids, and get plenty of rest. You can try different treatments to find out what works best for you.

What if nothing helps my menstrual cramps?

If your menstrual cramps are not relieved by over-the-counter medicine, make an appointment to see your healthcare provider. Use a period and symptom tracker for 2-3 months and then bring it to your next medical appointment. A record of your symptoms can help your healthcare provider figure out the best treatment choices for you.

My Monthly Period & Symptom Tracker

My Monthly Period & Symptom Tracker is an easy way to keep track of your menstrual flow, and it’s also a way to keep track of cramps, and/or PMS and period symptoms (if you have them) each month.

  • Review the sample Monthly Period & Symptom Tracker.
  • Print out copies of My Monthly Period & Symptom Tracker.
  • Simply make a check mark in the appropriate box (or boxes) for each day of the month. If you don't have any flow or any symptoms on any given day, leave the box empty. Refer to the Blood Flow Key at the bottom for "Flow" definitions.
  • The dates at the top are the same as the dates in one month. Some months have 28 days, others have 30 or 31.
  • Remember to bring My Monthly Period & Symptom Tracker with you to your medical appointments.

Sample Monthly Period & Symptom Tracker

My Monthly Period & Symptom Tracker

Is it okay to exercise when I have my period?

Exercising is a good way to stay fit and healthy. Some girls like to exercise when they have their period because it helps lessen their cramps. Other girls are uncomfortable exercising when they have their period. You should find what works best for you. Talk to your coach or gym teacher if exercising is uncomfortable during your period.

Remember, if cramps or other symptoms cause you to miss school or other activities and over-the-counter medicine and other comfort measures don’t help, you should make an appointment with your healthcare provider.

Written by the CYWH Staff at Children's Hospital Boston


Sunday, October 24, 2010

KeRjA oH kErJa

Salam dan hai to allz,
Nice greeting to my new friends.Welcome, ahlan wa sahlan.....

Banyaknye benda nak pikir. Kerja? masalah plg besar dlm hidup. Mana taknye. Keje yg dtg tak lekat2. Nak kata memilih? tak jugak...Nak kata tak cari? tak jugak...Mungkin blm sampai rezeki jumpe keje yg betul2 dpt membahagiakan diri ini dan org sekelilingku agaknye... Sepatutnya skrg da ada keje tetap dan mampu dah kumpul harta berjuta2 kan.... Insyaallah takkan diri ini berputus asa dan akan teruskan usaha tanpa gagal.

Ya Allah, beri kan aku kekuatan dan ketabahan menghadapi ujianMu. Mudah-mudahan saja aku akan dpt kerja gomen tu cepat, dpt kumpul harta cepat...Insyaallah...

Bukan semua org bernasib baik dpt keje bla kuar je unibersiti. Malah ada yg macam aku jugak. "Belum bernasib baik" dlm erti kata lain. Bukan PENGANGGUR PEMALAS yer. Cuma nasib belum menyebelahi...

Perkara yg akan aku lakukan sebagai usaha untuk menjadikan aku seorang yg bekerja:

1. Mencari kerja dlm website, suratkobar dan medium2 lain yg berkenaan.
2. Apply GSTT Johor yg akan buka permohonan mulai 25 Nov ni.
3. Berdoa agar dipercepatkan temuduga kerja gomen aritu.
4. Utk mendptkan wang poket, mulakan bisnes aiskrim asam kecut 20 sen secepat mungkin.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Senyum seindah suria yg membawa cahya
senyumlah dari hati duniamu berseri
senyum umpama titian dlm kehidupan
kau tersenyum ku tersenyum
kemesraan menguntum
senyum...kpd semua
senyumanmu amatlah berharga
dgn senyuman terjalinlah...ikatan

Ingat lg tak lagu ni? Lagu yg pujuk org utk senyum. Nape la arini nk cite pasal senyum ek?Mungkin sbb tetibe teringat msa kt Senai dlu ade sorang trainer ckp muka aku ni kelat je.kalau senyum nampak lagi manis.Erk, manis ke?Walaupun lawa tiada manis tetap ada...hehehe...Mak pun ada jgk tegur sebelum2 ni tapi buat tak tau je sbb teguran tu membrutalkan aku, means that, wat dunno je la kan, tapi kali ni teguran trainer tu amatlah menusuk ke jantung dan tulang rusukku hingga membuatkan aku terkedu-kedu...Merah menyala2 dan membara2 you...

Aku admit yg aku mmg sgt2 susah nk senyum dulu..dulu ye kawan2...sbb tu xder ramai kawan masa kt kampus dlu.Pakwe... Lg la jgn diharap. Takde satu pun yg sangkut.Nasib badan, sape suruh wat lagu tu kan. Cuba la kalau aku buat senyum kambing ke, senyum sumbing ke, senyum paksa ke, mesti berduyun tiba kan? Benda da lepas baru nk menyesal kan..Alhamdulillah, skrg ada jgk kan buah hati pengarang jantung ku, my electricman...Dgn dia takla sampai kena buat senyum kambing, cuma senyum kucing je (shy2 cat)...almaklumlah aku ni super duper shy.

Tp bersyukur sgt,dek krn teguran tu aku mula bersenyum dan tersenyum dgn sesape je, walhal malunya ya amat..Lama2 terbiasa utk senyum dgn hati yg ikhlas kan..jd kenapa kita susah nak senyum? bukankah senyum tu jgk satu sedekah bila kita ikhlas memberi dan menerima senyum kerana Allah?

Tatkala tersenyum, kita sebenarnya membenarkan otot2 di muka bersenam. Juga membuatkan segala bagai wayar dan fius bersambung dgn sambungan yg betul. Takla berkedut seribu kan? Malah sentiasa awet muda ibarat remaja belasan tahun, walhal umur da nak masuk tuuuuttttttt.....hehehe

Bila tersenyum, ibarat bunga2 matahari berkembang mekar. Bisa Menyejukkan hati sesiape je yg memandang. Mengeratkan silaturrahim dan menjalinkan pelbagai hubungan. Menghubungkan jambatan hati dan memberikan ketulusan bagi yg memberi dan menerimanya. Jgn lupa, senyum tu ubat segala stress dan tekanan perasaan dalaman. Bila menangis, merajuk atau terlalu sedih, kita pasti akan tersenyum bila org yg memujuk tu senyum kat kita kan?
Keajaiban senyuman.Meskipun mudah tapi sgt berharga dan sgt luar biasa.

Tapi harus diingat, memberi senyuman dan menerima senyuman perlu pd suasana dan cara yg betul tau...Jgn senyum pada org yg salah dan tempat yg salah.Jgn salah gunakan kemanisan senyuman tu ek...Perlu waspada jugak walaupun nak memberi sedekah percuma ni...

Linlone pn da pnt tersenyum je dpn lappy dan hp ni...hehe
Sbg ingatan dan semangat untukku memulakan perjuangan yg bakal bermula ni...
Harapnya semua akan berjalan lancar nnti, Insyaallah


MaHeR zAiN LyRic - InsyaAllah

Love this song so much.....Everyone makes mistake whether he/she realized or not...But ALLAH will always show to the right path and gives the guidance to find the right ways..INSYAALLAH...

Every time you feel like you cannot go on
You feel so lost
And That you're so alone
All you is see is night
And darkness all around
You feel so helpless
You can`t see which way to go
Don`t despair and never lose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side

Insha Allah [x2]
Insha Allah you`ll find your way
Insha Allah [x2]
Insha Allah you`ll find your way

Every time you commit one more mistake
You feel you can`t repent
And that it's way too late
You`re so confused, wrong decisions you have made
Haunt your mind and your heart is full of shame

Don`t despair and never lose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side

Insha Allah [x2]
Insha Allah you`ll find your way
Insha Allah [x2]

Insha Allah you`ll find your way

Turn to Allah
He`s never far away
Put your trust in Him
Raise your hands and pray
OOO Ya Allah
Guide my steps don`t let me go astray
You`re the only one that showed me the way
Showed me the way [x3]

Insha Allah [x2]
Insha Allah we`ll find our way
Insha Allah [x2]
Insha Allah we`ll find our way
Insha Allah [x2]
Insha Allah we`ll find our way
Insha Allah [x2]
Insha Allah we`ll find our way
Insha Allah [x2]
Insha Allah we`ll find our way
Insha Allah [x2]
Insha Allah we`ll find our way


And this is the translation in Malay that I found in the ""
Linlone hrp dpt buat renungan dan teladan ek.....

INSYAALLAH Lyric in Malay

Setiap kali diriku merasa seperti tidak mampu meneruskan hidup lagi...
Terasa sangat kehilangan entah apa...
Menyatakan bahwa diri ku begitu sendirian
Semua ku lihat kelam-malam

Dan kegelapan menyelubungi di seluruh jiwa ku
Adakala nya diriku merasa begitu tak berdaya
Hilang daya ku melihat jalan mana yang harus ku pilih

Namun ku cekal kan hati ku..
Jangan ada rasa putus asa
Walaupun aku menapak kecil..
Namun tidak pernah aku kehilangan harapan

Kerna ku yakin Allah selalu di sampingkuInsya Allah akan dapat ku mencari jalan cahaya..

Setiap kali diri ku melakukan satu kesalahan lagi
Terasa bagaikan pintu taubat tertutup bagi ku
Dan bahawa telah lambat untuk ku mencari jalan taubat
Adakala nya diriku menjadi bingung
Keputusan yang salah yang ku pilih
Keputusan sebegini menghantui fikiran
Dan hati ku penuh dengan rasa malu

Namun ku cekal kan hati ku..
Jangan ada rasa putus asa
Walaupun aku menapak kecil.. Namun tidak pernah aku kehilangan harapan

Kerna ku yakin Allah selalu di sampingku


Sunday, October 17, 2010

MaHeR zAiN LyRic


I praise Allah for sending me you my love
You found me home and sail with me
And I`m here with you
Now let me let you know
You`ve opened my heart
I was always thinking that love was wrong
But everything was changed when you came along
And theres a couple words I want to say

For the rest of my life
I`ll be with you
I`ll stay by your side honest and true
Till the end of my time
I`ll be loving you. loving you
For the rest of my life
Thru days and night
I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes
Now and forever I I`ll be there for you

I know that deep in my heart
I feel so blessed when I think of you
And I ask Allah to bless all we do
You`re my wife and my friend and my strength
And I pray we`re together eternally
Now I find myself so strong
Everything changed when you came along
And theres a couple word I want to say

For the rest of my life
I`ll be with you
I`ll stay by your side honest and true
Till the end of my time
I`ll be loving you. loving you
For the rest of my life
Thru days and night
I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes
Now and forever I I`ll be there for you

I know that deep in my heart now that you`re here
Infront of me I strongly feel love
And I have no doubt
And I`m singing loud that I`ll love you eternally

For the rest of my life
I`ll be with you
I`ll stay by your side honest and true
Till the end of my time
I`ll be loving you.loving you
For the rest of my life
Thru days and night
I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes
Now and forever I I`ll be there for you

I know that deep in my heart


Friday, October 15, 2010

HiRe Me!

Please do hire me!OMG, 6 months I've been jobless.I passed my S exam, Alhamdulillah and now just waiting for the interview.Hope it will be going ASAP.
From now on, I will start my work Muar and I'll pray to Allah for my strength, patience and success for going through this job. Im not so sure that I can make it coz I've no any experience in working. Hope it'll be okay for me. Meeting people with different behavior, background makes me so worried and dup dap dup dap...
Anyway, there's something will come close along......Insyaallah...


bAbY SiTtEr

Nur Ahmad Munawwar Bajuri

He's my youngest cousin. Memandangkan keadaan Linlone yg jobless sejak keje terakhir "si tapak besar" tu, mak usu mintak tlg jd bby sitter Nawar. Bagai dicita ulam mendatang, Linlone mmg suke main bdk2 terus agreed. Lgpn before this, selalu gak pinjam Nawar ni buat main kt umah...Now da 3 months dia spend a day with Linlone's family. Skrg ni, kalau sehari dia x dtg da sunyi gila umah ni. Rindu sgt...Nanti da keje x dpt main ngn Nawar lg,huhuhu:(
I will miss him....Nawar si budak kecit yg nakal...
  • Piko pikoyo piko ta,ta,ta.... (favorite song Nawar)
  • Abah, mama, da....(favorite words Nawar)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

bLogGer AdDicT

Salam and allops to alls....
Lama x post something especially about my personal life ryt. Actually, byk benda Linlone nk bgtau. There's a lot of stories. But it's ok if Linlone gtau skit2 dlu kan...First of all, mcm mana la Linlone ni blh berjinak2 nk jd blogger ni ek?My intention dan nawaitu la join blog ni sbb nk promote la e-books psl exam yg Linlone attend 6 bln lps.Linlone promote kt FB and Friendster dan terpikir la nk buat 1 blog, mana la tau blh sangkut terjual kan. Alhamdulillah, Linlone dpt 1 first income from e-books after that, blog Linlone pun sunyi sepi la drpd any new posting.Then 1 day, Linlone nk cari 1 resepi dan dpt resepi tu dpd blog (credited to the blogger) yg aspires me. Terpikir plak,y not if I try mcm bloggers yg ade ni kan...Linlone pun mmg ade sebuah diary dan slalu la bebel ngn diary tu but tu utk citer2 yg mmg very2 personal la. Tp utk blog ni, Linlone nk share something contoh mcm recipes, my experiences bout something, relationship, books and so on.Kiranya mcm my second diary la tp diary yg virtual and anyone can read and get something from me...
Hope, I will share and accept all the comments (if there's one for me la) without any hesitate...


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

ReSePi MeMaCaM......

Salam Aidilfitri....
Linlone post kan resepi emak kesayangan Linlone. Skrg Linlone and my sis, Mimi yg menyediakan semua juadah yg menjadi hidangan di pagi Syawal. My mum not very well la so, mak just jd pemegang jawatan as an instructor and big chef....Cayala mak kesayangan Linlone yg da naik pangkat sejak kitorang da besau panjang ni.:)

Hidangan di pagi Syawal:

1. Rendang Ayam

Seekor ayam
8 ulas bawang merah hiris
5 ulas bawang putih hiris
Halia sebesar ibu jari hiris
kunyit sedikit dimesin
3 sudu besar lada mesin
4 sekawan
5 sudu besar rempah rendang/ rempah kari ayam
3 sudu besar kerisik kelapa
Sebiji kelapa diperah pekat menggunakan air kelapanya
Sedikit belacan
Garam dan gula
Daun kunyit
1. Gaulkan bahan hirisan bersama kunyit, lada mesin, rempah rendang, kerisik kelapa, belacan, 4 sekawan dan sedikit air.
2. Tumis bahan2 tadi hingga pecah minyak
3. Masukkan ayam dan didihkan hingga empuk.
4. Kemudian masukkan santan kelapa.
5. Kacau hingga pekat
6. Kemudian masukkan daun kunyit dan perasakan rendang dgn garam dan gula
7. Kacau hingga kering
8. Sedia dihidang

2. Tempeh Sambal Berkacang

Tempeh potong nipis dan digoreng (16 bungkus dalam daun)
RM1 Kacang tanah digoreng
2 gengggam Ikan bilis digoreng
4 ulas bawang besar (mesin)
3 ulas bawang kecil (mesin)
5 ulas bawang putih (mesin)
2 sudu besar sos cili
2 sudu besar kicap manis
4 sudu besar lada mesin
1. Tumis bahan2 yg tlh dimesin hingga naik bau
2. Masukkan lada mesin dan masak hingga pecah minyak
3. Masukkan sos cili dan juga kicap manis dan biarkan hingga sedikit kering
4. Masukkan tempeh, ikan bilis dan kacang tanah goreng dan gaul rata.
5. Sedia dihidang.

3. Lodeh (kuah lontong)

1 biji sengkuang
2 batang lobak merah
Segenggam kacang panjang
3 biji kentang
Sooh hoon dan perut tauhu direndam terlebih dahulu (aggaran)
5 sudu besar udang kering ditumbuk halus
5 ulas bawang merah hiris
3 ulas bawang putih hiris
1 inci halia hiris
Sedikit kunyit
5 cawan santan kelapa
Sedikit garam
1. Didihkan sayur2 dgn air supaya lembut.
2. Kemudian masukkan bahan2 hiris, udang kering dan kunyit, biarkan didih lagi
3. Masukkan santan kelapa dan biarkan hingga masak mendidih dan perasakan dgn garam
4. Sedia dihidang

4. Sambal/ kuah kacang

1/2 kg kacang tanah disangai, dibuang kulit dan dimesin hancur
4 ulas bawang besar (mesin)
2 ulas bawang kecil (mesin)
4 ulas bawang putih (mesin)
2 batang serai (mesin)
Sedikit lengkuas (mesin)
3 sudu besar lada mesin
Sedikit air asam jawa
ikan bilis
1/2 biji gula melaka
1. Tumis bahan mesin sehingga naik bau
2. Masukkan lada mesin dan masak sampai pecah minyak
3. Kemudian masukkan kacang tanah dan gaul rata
4. Masukkan air aam jawa dan gula melaka
5. Perasakan dgn garam dan jika kurang manis tambahlah gula pasir sedikit ikut kesesuaian rasa
6. Sedia dihidang


Thursday, April 1, 2010

study smart.....

ni la 1 ebook yg blh mmbantu kita meghadapi exam sbtu depan...sgt bermanfaat dan kita blh belajar secara efektif melalui panduan yg tlh diberikan...skg ni tgh promosi. cepat2 jgn ketinggalan dptkan ebook ni.sgt berguna....


Aku apa Adanya Aku....❤

Hampir 2 tahun aku menghilangkan diri daripada dunia blogger. Dunia penceritaan perihal kehidupan. Kehidupan seorang insan biasa yang tak...