Thursday, October 14, 2010

bLogGer AdDicT

Salam and allops to alls....
Lama x post something especially about my personal life ryt. Actually, byk benda Linlone nk bgtau. There's a lot of stories. But it's ok if Linlone gtau skit2 dlu kan...First of all, mcm mana la Linlone ni blh berjinak2 nk jd blogger ni ek?My intention dan nawaitu la join blog ni sbb nk promote la e-books psl exam yg Linlone attend 6 bln lps.Linlone promote kt FB and Friendster dan terpikir la nk buat 1 blog, mana la tau blh sangkut terjual kan. Alhamdulillah, Linlone dpt 1 first income from e-books after that, blog Linlone pun sunyi sepi la drpd any new posting.Then 1 day, Linlone nk cari 1 resepi dan dpt resepi tu dpd blog (credited to the blogger) yg aspires me. Terpikir plak,y not if I try mcm bloggers yg ade ni kan...Linlone pun mmg ade sebuah diary dan slalu la bebel ngn diary tu but tu utk citer2 yg mmg very2 personal la. Tp utk blog ni, Linlone nk share something contoh mcm recipes, my experiences bout something, relationship, books and so on.Kiranya mcm my second diary la tp diary yg virtual and anyone can read and get something from me...
Hope, I will share and accept all the comments (if there's one for me la) without any hesitate...


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Aku apa Adanya Aku....❤

Hampir 2 tahun aku menghilangkan diri daripada dunia blogger. Dunia penceritaan perihal kehidupan. Kehidupan seorang insan biasa yang tak...